About Us


MissPiggy was founded in 2022 by Rita. She had the desire to create an unique and trendy eco-friendly online brand. 

She already had understood and felt that building synergies would help increase the brand's reach.

So, with the help of her close ones and with her design skills, she created the concept behind MissPiggy store: Sustainable, Unique and Trending - was the start for the brand's name.

Lining up the brand with a Young and Creative Spirit, Daily and Travels Inspiration, Fun Designs and Quotes Ideas, Eco and Comfortable Itens, will progressively make us gain value, market positioning and recognizement from our target audience.

We are just starting. Combining our skills and lifestyle, we seek to inspire you to ride this adventure with us and live everyday spreading love and positivity.


Embrace the Joy of Sustainable Living in Style

MissPiggy is an eco friendly print on demand clothing and accessory online store with a focus on sustainable, unique and trendy designs.

Our products are made with organic cotton, recycled polyester and we always privilege sustainable materials. The designs are created by our founder, Rita, who believes that in today’s world, we should feel beautiful, free and proud to make sustainable and conscious choices.

To know more about it visit our sustainability page.

At MissPiggy, we believe that everyone deserves to feel great in their own skin, style and tastes. That's why when creating we design to fit your type, no matter what it looks like. We have a wide range of sizes and styles, so you can find exactly what you need whether you're a size XS or 3XL or you like black or pink!

Our orders are printed on demand, which means there's no waste - and no more trying to find the right size in stores. We ship right to your door with just one click!

We love making designs for people who are looking for something different, but don't want to sacrifice quality or style. You'll find our products here in our online store and don't forget to follow us on Instagram (@storemisspiggy) for even more inspiration!

Get inspired with us!


by Rita Costa